Life and faith issues can vary from person to person and region to region. These are my takes on these issues from a rural perspective as God has blessed me to live and serve in rural areas for much of my life.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts and share your own!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Opening Day

First a disclaimer, I am a moderate baseball fan.  I am a devout Atlanta Braves fan starting back when they were still in the baby blue uniforms before all those division titles and pennants, but as far as the rest of the league not so much.  I personally could care less who leads the league in anything, unless of course he is a Brave. With that I am sure you are asking why then would he write an opening day blog?

Every year around the first of April the new baseball season starts and it seems all is good in the world.  No matter what a team's payroll, roster, or even past records they come into today undefeated with all the potential in the world. Everyone today is a World Series contender, even if only for a few days. It is that feeling I believe that makes opening day great even for those of us that aren't fantasy baseball enthusiasts, or even have a favorite team, the good feeling of equality among all the teams, the potential of every team to be exactly what it makes itself.

While opening day is one of my favorite days on the sports calendar, because of its potential, it pales in comparison to the new mercies of God each morning.  Even though we could never deserve it, God grants His children new mercies and compassion each morning.  This is an incredible revelation, that sometimes can be overlooked in the daily hussle.  Though we are responsible for the death of His only begotten Son, and continue to fall short of His standard for each of us, God meets each of His children at the beginning of each new day with new mercies. How deep the Father's love for us must be! I could never imagine responding to people who had spurned my every advance with such great forgivenss and mercy each and every day. I guess thats just another reason we should be grateful that He is God and we are not, for His new mercies for us each day are so much better than anything we could ever imagine for ourselves...even if it doesn't include a World Series Ring for the Braves.

The question is for us just as it is for every baseball team that plays a game today; what will you do with the new mercies you have been given today? Will you take advantage of your God given opportunities and make the best of it? Here's hoping you embrace God's new mercies for you as you travel the route He has laid out for you from those of us on the Rural Route.

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