Life and faith issues can vary from person to person and region to region. These are my takes on these issues from a rural perspective as God has blessed me to live and serve in rural areas for much of my life.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts and share your own!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Standard That Is Scripture

How do you know if you've been successful? How do you know if you have done, or are doing the right thing? The answers to these questions often seem to be different among people, and with sometimes context drives the answers to these questions. How then can one claim to know what is right or what is wrong, if the standard keeps changing.

Take for example the thoughts of the psychological profession on sexual orientation. In the 1950s the American Psychological Association stated that homosexuality was a disorder that required treatment, now 60 years later it is an acceptable form of sexual expression. If the answers to questions of morality, continually shift is there any true moral stance? How can one know what really is right or wrong?

These are existential questions for those living in the heyday of a post modern secular culture, that strike to how one views the entire world in which they live.  Thankfully for Christians, though, there is a standard set by which they might know when they are right, and are being successful. The Canon.

God in His perfect providence inspired the 66 books of the Bible and protected them within the hearts of religious leaders over thousands of years so that they might be brought together so that people could know God and His unchanging standard for all of humanity; a standard based on His perfection.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 records that, "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

So my question for you who read this today is: Do you realize that there is an answer for what is right and wrong( It is found within the self revelation of God in the Bible and like God its truth never changes.); and will you let this do standard or Canon be the measuring rod it was created to be in your life to bring a deeper more intimate relationship with God, through His Son Jesus the Christ who came as a ransom for all so that they might spend eternity with Him, in paradise, and live now in abundance in spite of trying times?

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