Life and faith issues can vary from person to person and region to region. These are my takes on these issues from a rural perspective as God has blessed me to live and serve in rural areas for much of my life.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Decision Points, A great Choice:

Decision Points , by George W. Bush is a memoir of sorts by the former President of the United States.  While it is not put together chronologically it does give the reader a great idea of how this controversial leader grew to be the man he is and how he made the major decision in his life giving the reader a fantastic insight  into his life both a private man and a public leader.                                                                                                                                              While the nonchronolgical format of the book makes it a little more difficult to read tha a story that follows events as they happen Decision Points is able to overcome this difficulty by not taking on minute decisions from all over the former president's life but by examining the factors principled underpinnings of each decision discussed within its pages. This makes it an unique memoir which only furthers the book's appeal to a wider audience.          Overall I felt that Decision Points was an  excellent book that could have been made better with a more convertional layout but was not too diffuicult to follow for any average reader.      I recived this book from Waterbrook Multnomah in exhcange for this review.

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