On June 7th of 2011 at 12:56 pm, my baby boy David Samuel Jenkins was born. Born into a year that has great highs (Auburn winning a National Championship) and lows (unemployment, and the loss of Granny Womac) he has been the greatest high of them all and I don't see anything in the last three months of this year improving on him making his apprearance.
As his middle name suggests "Sam" is the boy his daddy (and mommy) prayed for, healthy with all his parts in their respective places and as much a bundle of joy as everyone says babies are. I confess that I could not be prouder of him and the family God has given me. Mommy has proved during labor and since that she is strong beyond measure and is a terrific mom, even if she does think I am a little rough when I play with Sam.
Now I know that you could not care less about my reflections of my wonderful son and family, (or maybe you could), so I will struggle to stop doting at only two paragraphs. But I would be remiss if I did not share with you the thing that has struck me the most about having a son. No it is not being peed or pooped on for the first time (what a great first Father's Day), or the fact that my son has a smile for me every time he sees me. It is the fact that God gave His one and only Son for me, a weak fallen individual who continues to struggle with the same sins God has called me away from.
How completely amazing is the love of God towards us sinners that He gave His only begotten Son that we could believe in Him and not perish but have eternal life. I have only spent 12 weeks with my kid and I can tell you I would not give him up for any one. There would be no Spiderman-esque dilemma about who would I save Sam or a group of others, Sam is saved everyone else fends for themself.
Now contrast that with God who was with Christ in eternity past and is actually one with His Son freely gave him to be beaten and killed for you and me, people who at their very best rebel daily against Him. I used to think I comprehended that sacrifice as much as anyone could, but I was wrong I could not comprehending trading my son for a friend or a family member much less those who would turn on me daily, just goes to show how Great God is in every way and how long I have to go in trying to be like Him.
Right now I can say like God once said of Jesus, that Sam is my son and I am well pleased in him, but I doubt I would ever be ok with giving him over to death for others but God in his love for me at just the right time sent His son to die for me and millions like me throughout history.
Once again I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and wonder how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean, when I would not give my son for the best of humanity let alone the worst.
Just my first thoughts of fatherhood on the Rural Route, may the peace and hope Christ fill you and move you to action on whatever Route God has placed you on.
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