This morning I was looking forward to a day to try and relax and recuperate from a long week of working on my grandparents house and an interview with a church. Beyond that I am looking forward to the birth of my son in June and between now and then there are alot of unknowns so I am not really actively looking forward to much. That was until I picked up my Bible this morning.
This morning I finished the book of Revelation as a part of my reading plan. Now there is alot that has been said and continues to be said about what everything in the book of Revelation means and stands for. There are churches that represent ages, some say it should be read literally and is yet to come and others say that it is mostl figurative and has already happened. I will not be entering into that discussion here as this is not a place for extensive discussion on eschatological theory.
What I could not escape as I read the last few chapters of Revelation this morning is that Christ is going to be victorious and ultimately already is. No matter how you interpret the book of Revelation one cannot read it and believe it without feeling better about the future whether it be distant or near. This is great news for all Believers, no matter what else may be going on in your life whether it be financial trouble, stress at work, or turmoil in your family it will ultimately be taken care of by the only loving, sovereign God, for He cares for you and provides your every need according to His riches in glory. How refreshing to know that no matter what circumstances and trials may come God is still in control.
This passage did not only bring comfort and excitement however, it brought with it a sobering realization and an urgent challenge. While I am completely ready for Christ to return and reign victorious over all the Earth, there are millions all over the world who have no idea that He came once before to save them from their sins and themselves, and have no reason to look forward to Christ bringing this world to its worshipful end. This sad fact compels me and my fellow believers to rest in the assurance that they have in Christ victorious return but also to lead those who have no knowledge of Christ into that same rest while they have the opportunity to find it.
We all have things we are looking forward to in this life both physical and spiritual and that is great as God has plans to bless us beyond measure in our obedience to Him. There does come with those great promised blessings an urgent need to let other know of those same promises that are available to them just as they are to us.
Just a take from a man that is greatly looking forward to what is to come from my loving God and Father on the rural route to righteousness He has placed me on.
Jonathan, thanks for sharing! It's neat to hear about the things God's teaching you. I love it how He speaks through His Word and brings light and life to a humdrum day. Congrats on the upcoming addition to your family - so excited for you!