Life and faith issues can vary from person to person and region to region. These are my takes on these issues from a rural perspective as God has blessed me to live and serve in rural areas for much of my life.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts and share your own!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

All dressed up and nowhere to preach

Today has been an interesting day.  This was the first Sunday in more than 3 years that I have not been preaching somewhere, and that hits you hard when you have been called by God to pastor.  I know that God has led me in this move and its His plan for me to be where I am but that only makes it a slightly less daunting task.  It was good to be able to just be a part of a service instead of leading it but I really itch to be in the pulpit.  This is definitely a growing experience for me as I strive to be faithfully obedient to God's direction without knowing what the future holds. Right now I am thankful for the peace that surpasses all understanding and the promises that God is with me and for me always as it has seemed He is the only one from time to time in this journey.  I pray that as I go forward that He will continue to show me each step to take that I might not get out of step with Him.  His grace is more than sufficient and as usual I am left standing in awe of His amazing grace committed to me at Calvary and each new day. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm leaving your first comment. Good stuff. I have a blog on here as well, three actually. I have been neglecting them but I'm hoping to keep up with them this year. My main blog is there are links to the other ones on there. :) I hope you have a good week.
